Seeing each other before the wedding has always been considered bad luck for the bride and groom. Today, this is one of the wedding traditions that has slowly been fading. So many couples are opting for first looks instead. I personally love this because it gives a special and intimate time that is just between the couple. They get to see each other dressed up for the first time without being in front of a big group of people. This also helps to calm their nerves because they are spending time with the one their heart desires! Another reason that I love first looks is that I get to capture some really special moments. I enjoy finding a beautiful spot that I bring the groom to and then have his back facing the entrance. Next I bring the bride out and she walks up to him and taps him on the shoulder. Now I really get to focus on his reaction to seeing his gorgeous bride for the first time!! Here is where I like to step back and let them have their special moment while I snap some unposed photos. It really is a beautiful thing to witness. Don’t get me wrong, I totally think the groom seeing his bride for the first time as she walks down the aisle is pretty special as well! I just happen to really love first looks so don’t feel bad if you want to keep the tradition, it is your special day and I respect your decision!! Either way, love is a beautiful thing!